Informational Materials
The materials below provide more information about Insight for your reference and to share with others in your agency.
Quick Reference Guides
The Quick Reference Guides contain step-by-step instructions detailing the Insight Subject Areas and how to integrate useful Insight functionalities.
Insight Subject Areas QRGs
- All Subject Areas Reporting Requirements - [PDF, 212KB]
- webTA 3.8 System Subject Area - [PDF, 171KB]
- Workforce Profile (WFP) - [PDF, 246KB]
- Personnel History (PERHIS) - [PDF, 194KB]
- Payroll Accounting System (PACS) - [PDF, 230KB]
- Position Management System Online (PMSO) - [PDF, 220KB]
- Administrative Billings and Collections (ABCO) - [PDF, 158KB]
- Retirement Processing System (RETM) Subject Area - [PDF, 524KB]
Insight Functionality QRGs
- How to Format and Customize Reports - [PDF, 331KB]
- How to Create Managerial Reports - [PDF, 361KB]
- How to Create Dashboard Prompts - [PDF, 218KB]
- How to Customize Graphs - [PDF, 361KB]
General Insight QRGs
- Common Insight Operational Tips - [PDF, 341KB]
- Insight Technology Requirements - [PDF, 268KB]
- Map Viewer Instructions - [PDF, 731KB]
- MD-715 Report - [PDF, 409KB]
Data Resources
FOCUS-to-Insight: Data Dictionary and Elements Mapping
The Insight Data Dictionary is a reference document for reporting users to understand the data available in Insight. The Data Dictionary includes the names and descriptions of data elements in Insight and their respective NFC source system.
FOCUS-to-Insight: Language Mapping
The FOCUS-to-Insight Language Mapping document provides functional mapping, terminology, and defines comparison examples.