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NFC University

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ASO Basic Course
Basic ASO training covers Agency Security Officer panels for Time Sharing Option (TSO) commands, using SecureAll (SALL).
Course is for ASO use only.
Course Information
ASO Intermediate Course
The ASO Intermediate Course covers topics for more experienced Security Officers.
Course is for ASO use only.
Course Information
ABCO Training Course
This course provides an overview of the Administrative Billings and Collections (ABCO) system, information on system-generated and manually-created bills, and responsibilities of customer Agencies in ABCO processes and debt collection and management.
Course Information
EPIC Web Training Course
Entry, Processing, Inquiry, and Correction System (EPIC) Web includes a review of subject areas such as IRIS, PINQ, TMGT, PMSO, Personnel Actions and Payroll Document Processing, as well as providing basic operational information.
Course Information
EmpowHR Training Course
Learn about the EmpowHR system and how it interacts with the Payroll/Personnel System (PPS). This course covers all of the main components within EmpowHR and demonstrates ways to research and correct suspense errors.
Course Information
EmpowHR (OneUSDA) Training Course - USDA Only
Learn about the EmpowHR system and how it interacts with the Payroll/Personnel System (PPS). This course is specific to USDA customers, and covers all of the main components within EmpowHR and demonstrates ways to research and correct suspense errors.
Course Information
GovTA for All Roles Course
Learn the step-by-step methods used by Employees, Supervisors, Timekeepers, HR Admins, and Add-On roles for entering Time and Attendance (T&A) data for each pay period. During this course, students will learn the Employee, Supervisor, Timekeeper, HR Admin, and Add-On roles.
Course Information
GovTA for Employees Course
Learn the step-by-step methods used by employees for entering Time and Attendance (T&A) data for each pay period.
Course Information
HCUP Training Course
History Correction Update Processing System (HCUP) includes an overview of the Payroll/Personnel System, and hands on workshops.
Course Information
Insight Training Course
During this training you will be provided with an overview of Insight, an enterprise-wide data warehouse with advanced reporting and business intelligence capabilities.
Course Information
Introduction to the NFC Mainframe
This class is an introduction to NFC’s Payroll/Personnel (PPS) and Inquiry systems. Students will learn about mainframe basic navigation, the Information/Research Inquiry System (IRIS), the Payroll/Personnel Inquiry System (PINQ), the Position Management System Online (PMSO), and the Table Management System (TMGT).
Course Information
SecureAll (SALL) Course
The SecureAll (SALL) Training covers the one−stop, centrally located system that creates a more convenient method of establishing and maintaining security control functions.
Course is for ASO use only.
Course Information
ServiceNow Course
The ServiceNow Training covers submission and management of access requests and incidents.
Course is for ASO use only.
Course Information
SPPS Course
The Special Payroll Processing System - Mainframe (SPPS MF) training includes an overview of NFC’s full-service, online database system.
Course Information
SPPS Web Course
This course will introduce you to Special Payroll Processing System – Web (SPPS Web) and include an overview of special manual payments for employees that cannot be processed in the automated Payroll/Personnel System.
Course Information
TINQ Training Course
Learn the step-by-step methods used for processing leave actions in Time Inquiry – Leave Update System (TINQ).
Course Information
Paycheck8 Course
for Timekeepers and HR Admins
Learn the step-by-step methods used by Timekeepers and HR Admins for entering Time and Attendance (T&A) data for each pay period. During this course, students will learn the Timekeeper and HR Admin roles.
Course Information
Paycheck8 Course for Employees and Supervisors
Learn the step-by-step methods used by employees and supervisors for entering and approving Time and Attendance (T&A) data for each pay period.
Course Information
webTA 3.8 Course
for Supervisors, Timekeepers, and HR Admins
Learn the step-by-step methods used by Supervisors, Timekeepers, and HR Admins for entering Time and Attendance (T&A) data for each pay period. During this course, students will learn the Supervisor, Timekeeper, and HR Admin roles.
Course Information
webTA 3.8 Course for Employees
Learn the step-by-step methods used by employees for entering Time and Attendance (T&A) data for each pay period.
Course Information

Last Updated / Reviewed: January 15, 2025