Course Outline
Module 1 – Intro and overview of SPPS Mainframe
- Summarize NFC’s payroll processing functions
- Describe the main functions of SPPS Mainframe
Module 2 – Navigate SPPS Mainframe
- Sign into SPPS Mainframe
- Navigate between the SPPS MAIN MENU SCREEN and the menu options
Module 3 - Describe how to process an Advance Pay Quick Service Request (QSR) in SPPS Mainframe
- Describe how the two formats of QSRs are organized
- Explain the purpose of each QSR format
- Describe how to process an Advance Pay QSR in SPPS Mainframe
- Explain how to process a Delayed (14-liner) QSR
Module 4 - Describe how to process an Indebtedness Case for a Separating Employee in SPPS Mainframe
- Summarize the reasons for processing indebtedness for a separate employee
- Explain each function on the INDEBTEDNESS MENU
- Explain how to process indebtedness for a separated employee
Module 5 - Describe how to process a Death Case in SPPS Mainframe
- Explain the purpose of the death case function within SPPS Mainframe
- Describe the different documents needed to process a death case
- Describe the process for performing each function on the DEATH CASE MENU
Course Information
Training Course Length
- Classroom length – 1 day
- Webinar length – 1 days
Class Format
This class is currently offered virtually via Class consists of instructor-led lecture, demonstrations, and hands-on exercises for students in a SPPS training environment.
Class Dates
- April 15, 2025 - Class is full
- June 24, 2025
- July 22, 2025
- November 4, 2025
Pricing Information
Cancellation Policy: Note all customer cancellations must be submitted to NFC in writing. NFC reserves the right to cancel classes at any time. View cancellation policy.