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NFC University

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Course Outline

Course Information

Scheduling This Course

To schedule a OneUSDA EmpowHR class, please contact the OneUSDA coordinators at, and include "EmpowHR One USDA Training Request" in the subject line of your email. Please include in your email, the number of participants from your Agency so we can request available training dates. We will provide the next available dates to you via email once received and you must provide your SF-182 (for all participants) and Purchase Order (PO) screen shot to confirm funding. If these items are not received by close of business the next business day, the proposed dates will not be secured. Requests submitted without this information or with an invalid subject line will be returned as Denied.

Prerequisites for this Training Course

Guide to Processing Personnel Actions (GPPA) training should be completed prior to attending.

Training Course Length

Webinar length – 5 days
Note: All participants must attend all five days of training in order to receive a completion certificate. Partial participation will not be acknowledged.

Class Format

This class is currently offered virtually via Class consists of instructor-led lecture, demonstrations, and hands-on exercises for students in an EmpowHR training environment.

Pricing Information

Cancellation Policy: Note all customer cancellations must be submitted to NFC in writing. NFC reserves the right to cancel classes at any time. View cancellation policy.

Last Updated / Reviewed: July 25, 2024