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National Finance Center

U.S. Department of Agriculture

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Assistance with Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Notification System (ENS)

A very critical part of the OCFO Continuity Plan includes the Emergency Notification System. These notifications enable the organization to provide employee accountability and to disseminate to employees the Agency’s operating status.

It is capable of sending voice, text, and/or email messages. Text messages are typically used as the primary delivery option.

You must listen to the ENS message in its entirety, acknowledge or respond to the message and then all ENS contact will discontinue. If there is no employee response, the ENS will continue to contact you at the next designated device(s). These attempts of contact will continue and repeat in order to allow employees ample time to respond.

Monthly tests are conducted in order to ensure employee participation during an actual event. Again, during an actual event, the ENS will contact employees for accountability and to disseminate instructions to employees.

Employees should add the following number to the contacts list of their government-issued cell phone as well as their personal cell phone.

  • ENS Number: 1-888-300-3399

Hearing impaired employees may also use TTY (1-800-877-8339) or VRS (1-877-709-5798) to contact this number to receive the most recently distributed MIR3 message.

USDA Employee Information Line

The Employee Information Line provides information on the Status of USDA facilities in the National Capital Region, severe weather or employee working hours/reporting times. This line is updated daily. Please call 1-800-932-1902 for current information. For TTY services, call 1-800-877-8339. For VRS, call 1-877-709-5798.

Additional Resources

National Finance Center (NFC) is committed to continuity of operations. NFC has a Disaster Recovery/Business Resumption plan that provides for the continuation of business operations in the event a disaster would render the facility inoperable. For more information please visit our Continuity of Operations page.

Last Updated / Reviewed: January 17, 2025