Request a Statement of Earnings and Leave (SEL) Insert
The National Finance Center has discontinued the production of Agency-specific SEL inserts since 2006 as a result of a change from Mailers Choice to the MailStream Plus software package to meet US postal regulations. These software packages maximize postal discounts and generate production reports. Since that time, NFC has only been able to accept Agency-specific requests for inserts if they are agreed to by all of the customer community.
However, the option to request electronic inserts to the SELs available through the Employee Personal Page continues to remain available. All requests for this service must be directed to NFC.GESDREQUEST@USDA.GOV no later than 2 to 3 pay periods prior to the requested insertion. Agencies must include an Adobe Acrobat .PDF version of the requested insert, along with the targeted audience, e.g., DEPT, Agency (if applicable), Personnel Office Identifier (POI) (if applicable), and the pay periods that the inserts should be included.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and as always look forward to helping you find a viable option that meets your communication needs.