About CLER
At the request of OPM, the National Finance Center (NFC) has designed, developed, and implemented CLER, a Web-based system that receives electronic enrollment data from Agencies and FEHB carriers to facilitate reconciliation and reporting. CLER can be accessed from the application launchpad on the Insurance Client Services page.
Agencies, FEHB carriers, OPM, and the NFC-CLER Operations and Reconciliation Unit personnel can access CLER and depending on their security access, can conduct inquiries, update contact information, initiate reconciliation corrections, and generate reports.
How CLER Works
Agencies submit enrollment data quarterly to NFC for processing in CLER. FEHB carriers submit enrollment data quarterly to OPM's Macon Hub. OPM then transmits the data provided by the FEHB carriers to NFC for CLER processing.
NFC is responsible for processing the enrollment data, maintaining the reconciled data, and assisting in resolving discrepancies between the payroll offices and FEHB carrier enrollment records.
Agencies are responsible for submitting data to NFC for processing in CLER. Once the data is processed, agencies review the data, take appropriate corrective action, and document actions taken in CLER. Carriers are responsible for taking corrective action requested by the responsible agency either by receipt of Form SF-2809, Health Benefits Election Form, and Form SF-2810, Change in Health Benefits Enrollment Form, or by other notification.
CLER also has a reporting feature, which allows reports to be tailored to meet the needs of the requestor to assist in the reconciliation process.
Benefits of CLER
- CLER will provide an efficient and cost-effective way for both FEHB carriers and Agencies to conduct their quarterly reconciliation of FEHB enrollment data records as required by OPM.
- CLER will provide a reliable system of records that will save the Federal Government money previously spent in litigation regarding Agency payroll offices and FEHB carriers not reconciling records timely.
- CLER will meet all OPM access and reporting requirements needed to administer the FEHB program.
- NFC will proactively manage CLER and assist Agencies in resolving enrollment data discrepancies between Agency payroll offices and carrier records.
Minimum Hardware And Software Requirements
- A personal computer with a current version of a web browser.