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National Finance Center

U.S. Department of Agriculture

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About DPRW

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The National Finance Center, Direct Premium Remittance System (DPRS) implemented an online Web portal for for Temporary Continuation of Coverage (TCC) enrollment. The system has been named Direct Premium Remittance (system) - Web (DPRW).

The DPRW portal is designed based on the SF-2809 form. All data that Agencies are currently completing on the hard copy SF-2809 form must be entered into the DPRW portal screens. Agency officials are required to certify the document through the portal, thus confirming eligibility for the FEHB enrollment.

DPRW increases efficiency of the TCC enrollment process by eliminating mailing and faxing of hard copy enrollments. Having Human Resource (HR) Offices enter their own documents will significantly decrease the time it takes an enrollee to get enrolled by the carrier, receive ID cards and billing coupons.

Per OPM's BAL 14-204 dated March 26, 2014

NFC no longer accepts paper form SF-2809 for enrollment processing. Agencies must gain access to and utilize the DPRW Web Portal for enrollment processing.

Accessing DPRW

The National Finance Center, Direct Premium Remittance System (DPRS) has implemented a new online web portal for Human Resource Offices and Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to enter SF2809 forms for Temporary Continuation of Coverage (TCC) enrollment.

Requesting Security Access

Agency Security Officers should submit a security access form AD-3100 to gain access for their users. There are two security roles associated with DPRW:

DPRW Training

NFC has produced a DPRW training manual that can be found at View Training Manual.

Last Updated / Reviewed: July 25, 2024