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U.S. Department of Agriculture

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Release Notes - CPAIS Real Property

Corporate Property Automated Information Systems (CPAIS) Real Property provides consistent data to enable an accurate inventory of the Department's real property assets and supports the full life cycle of Real Property Management, including establishing projects and their associated accounting, tracking Work-In-Progress (WIP), capitalization, and depreciation of real property assets.

Calendar Year 2024

Title Date
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release Results (Out of Cycle) - June 2024 07-05-24
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release Results (Out of Cycle) - May 2024 06-05-24
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release Results (Out of Cycle) - April 2024 05-02-24

Calendar Year 2023

Title Date
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release Results (Out of Cycle) - November 2023 12-12-23
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release 2.35 Results - October 2023 10-17-23
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release Results (Out of Cycle) - September 2023 10-17-23
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release Results (Out of Cycle) - April 2023 05-02-23

Calendar Year 2022

Title Date
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release Results (Out of Cycle) - October 2022 10-31-22
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release 2.34 Results - October 2022 10-17-22
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release Results (Out of Cycle) - August 2022 09-07-22
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release 2.33 Results - June 2022 07-01-22
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release 2.32 Results - April 2022 04-13-22

Calendar Year 2021

Title Date
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release Results (Out of Cycle) - November 2021 11-30-21
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release 2.31 Results - November 2021 11-01-21
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release 2.30 Results - October 2021 10-04-21
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release Results (Out of Cycle) - January 2021 01-31-21

Calendar Year 2020

Title Date
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release Results (Out of Cycle) - December 2020 12-31-20
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release 2.29 Results - November 2020 11-13-20

Calendar Year 2019

Title Date
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release 2.28 Results - September 2019 09-01-19
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release Results (Out of Cycle) - June 2019 06-24-19
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release 2.27 Results - June 2019 06-08-19

Calendar Year 2018

Title Date
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release 2.26 Results - November 2018 11-04-18
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release Results (Out of Cycle) - November 2018 11-02-18
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release 2.25 Results - June 2018 06-08-18

Calendar Year 2017

Title Date
FMS CPAIS Real Property Release Results - September 2017 09-22-17

Last Updated / Reviewed: July 05, 2024