Alabama Cities Income Tax Withholding Information

City Name State/City Codes City Tax Status
Bessemer 01/0330 Duty Station/mandatory
Birmingham 01/0350 Duty Station/mandatory
Gadsden 01/1280 Duty Station/mandatory

Withholding Formula (Effective Pay Period 21, 1992)

  1. Multiply the gross biweekly wages by 26 to obtain the annual wages.
  2. Apply the annual wages to the following guideline to determine the annual Alabama city income tax withholding.
Compute the City Income Tax Withholding For: By Multiplying the Annual Wages by the Following Percentage:
Bessemer 1
Birmingham 1
Gadsden 2
  1. Divide the annual Alabama city income tax withholding by 26 to obtain the biweekly Alabama city income tax withholding.