Residual Web-based Entry, Processing, Inquiry, and Correction System (EPIC Web), History Correction Update Processing System (HCUP) Packages

EPIC Web and HCUP packages that do not contain a starting/ending indicator are also known as residual EPIC Web HCUP packages.

Prior to starting a new HCUP package, the processor should search to determine if previous actions or HCUP packages exist. When there are applied actions or HCUP packages, they must be rolled back and incorporated into a new HCUP package, or the user must wait until the following Pay Period (PP) to process the new package. When there are no existing actions or packages, the processor can start a new HCUP package. The residual HCUP packages are found when a processor receives a message indicating EPIC Web HCUP package already exists even though the search revealed no packages or actions. The residual HCUP packages are created for a variety of reasons. The reasons include, but are not limited to:

Note: It is important to pay attention to the payroll processing cycle when processing history correction actions, and review/validate all actions prior to entering an action or HCUP package. History corrections cannot be processed until after PAYE runs the second pass of PINE for the current PP. Example: PAYE for the previous PP generally runs the first Thursday evening of the current PP and first pass of PINE for the current PP runs the second Monday of the PP, which means history packages cannot be started or changed on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Monday after PAYE runs. Correction actions can first be processed the second Tuesday of the current PP.