December 5, 2014
9:41 a.m.

Subject: Federal Benefits for Certain Full Time Temporary Employees and Employees on Seasonal or Intermittent Work Schedules

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) published a final rule on October 17, 2014 allowing agencies to offer Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program coverage to full-time temporary employees and employees who are on intermittent or seasonal work schedules under certain conditions. This new rule was effective on November 17, 2014. On October 20, OPM issued a Benefits Administration Letter (BAL 14-210) describing the new regulation and the eligibility conditions.

For newly eligible employees to the Federal benefits programs please see the Fast Facts attachment. The Fast Facts also addresses temporary, seasonal and intermittent employees’ eligibility for other federal benefits programs:

Temporary, intermittent and seasonal employees may not be eligible for a federal retirement program.

The Treasury Department now offers myRA, a new retirement savings account designed for employees without access to an employer sponsored retirement program. If you have any questions, please send an inquiry to