March 12, 2013
8:58 a.m.

Subject: Retirement Readiness NOW Tip

Two Retirement Readiness NOW Tips this week to help you —


Apple App store offering TSP App not sanctioned by TSP — A free iPhone App, TSP Funds, currently being offered through the Apple App store asks TSP participants for their account login information. This app is not being offered through the TSP and the TSP does not recommend using this application to access your TSP account. Providing this information could result in a security risk to your account.

FALSE TSP Application Warning from TSP

Spring FLTCIP webinars available!

The Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP) has invited industry experts to help explore topical issues such as retirement planning and caregiving, and to highlight the advantages of applying for the FLTCIP.

To register for any of the events listed below, visit

Retirement Benefits Planning, Part 1: Getting the Big Picture
(March 19, 2013)
For most of us, maintaining our accustomed lifestyle in retirement requires planning. Which benefits should you elect and carry into retirement, and how will you juggle all the pieces? Join Sherry Casas, President and Founder of Retirement Training and Coaching Services, Inc., as she helps you understand the big picture—and possible missing pieces—of your retirement puzzle. This webinar also reviews the importance of planning for long term care and the FLTCIP.

Baby Boomers Approaching Retirement: Are You Ready?
(March 21, 2013)
Living life to the fullest and maintaining your accustomed lifestyle in retirement requires planning ahead. Join Sandra Timmermann, EdD, Executive Director of the MetLife Mature Market Institute, as she reviews the research on the “silver tsunami” and details the steps you can take to help secure a comfortable and fulfilling retirement.

(April 16, 2013)
Caregiving is one of the most stressful situations a family can face. Is your family prepared? Join us as Mary Lou McGuinness, Senior Long Term Care Specialist of Long Term Care Partners, LLC, hosts an open discussion on the many stages of caregiving and the issues surrounding providing long term care for a loved one, with helpful resources for caregivers and details about the FLTCIP’s benefits and features.

Going from Accumulation to Distribution: What’s Your Retirement Income IQ?
(April 18, 2013)
How much do you know about retirement income? What’s your retirement income IQ and how well would you score? Join us as Sandra Timmerman, EdD, Executive Director, and John Migliaccio, PhD, Director of Research, both of the MetLife Mature Market Institute, review the results of the MetLife Mature Market Institutes’ latest retirement income IQ study and provide you with more ideas to help make the most of your money in retirement.

Retirement Benefits Planning, Part 2: Focusing on the Details That Can Put Money in Your Pocket
(April 23, 2013)
Once you have the big picture in place, it’s important to look at the finer details that can help you maximize the benefits available to you. Join Sherry Casas, President and Founder of Retirement Training and Coaching Services, Inc., as she covers tips that can add to your bottom line. Topics include:
> picking the right retirement date
> delaying Social Security for a larger monthly benefit
> maximizing opportunity with deposits and redeposits
> how applying to the FLTCIP and decreasing Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance coverage can help secure your overall retirement plan

Planning for Mom and Dad: What Every Adult Child Needs to Know
(May 8, 2013)
Many families will face the legal, financial, and health issues involved with an aging loved one. What’s the difference between Medicare and Medicaid, what do they cover, and how does one qualify? When is it advisable to hire an attorney or set up a trust, and can income and assets ever be protected from long term care expenses? How can long term care insurance and the FLTCIP help families? Join Harley Gordon, founding member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, to review these elder-planning topics every adult child should know—and get a head start on your own plan.

Navigating the Process When You’re Ready to Retire
(May 16, 2013)
You’ve attended a preretirement seminar, chosen a prospective retirement date, and have a good idea on what elections you will make for your retirement. Make sure you’re fully prepared to navigate your way through the process when the big day arrives. Join Sherry Casas, President and Founder of Retirement Training and Coaching Services, Inc., as she discusses the final tips every pre-retiree should know. We’ll also review how the FLTCIP can help protect your overall retirement plan.

The Juggling Act: Women, Caregiving, and the Workplace
(June 7, 2013)
Caregiving is one of the most stressful situations a family can face and can take a physical, an emotional, and a financial toll. Is your family prepared? Join us as Sandra Timmerman, EdD, Executive Director of the MetLife Mature Market Institute, talks with Mary Lou McGuinness, Senior Long Term Care Specialist of Long Term Care Partners, LLC, as they host an open discussion on the unique challenges facing women caring for a loved one, and the importance of planning for long term care.

Retirement Readiness NOW is not just about saving money and not just something you do just before retiring. Money is very important, but that’s not all. There’s a lot more to planning for your future than putting aside income out of each paycheck for retirement.

What else is there? Happiness, both today and in your future years, is based on your total well-being. So, when planning for your future, you also need to consider your total retirement well-being that encompasses the following:

Networking - What are you doing today that will allow you to be engaged, challenged and fulfilled in retirement?

Overall Health - What are you doing to stay healthy so that you can enjoy your retirement years?

Wealth - How well are you managing your income and investing for your future so that you will be able to support your desired lifestyle in retirement?